Resurfacing Elixir Falernum, the first liqueur in the world to be refined underwater.
370 bottles aged for 12 months near the ancient Sinuessa;
After a year and seven days on the seabed off the coast of Mondragone, on Thursday 14 July 2022, 370 bottles of Elixir Falernum were brought to the surface, the first liqueur in the world to be subjected to underwater refinement .
Now the liqueur will be the subject of study by the Universities of Naples and Palermo, which will evaluate the effects produced by 12 months of underwater refinement. The bottles were kept for a year in the depths of the ancient Roman city of Sinuessa , founded in 296 BC and sunk below sea level around the 9th century AD.
The promoter of the experiment was Antica Distilleria Petrone, a historic company from Caserta, founded in 1858 and now in its fifth generation with the young manager Andrea Petrone.

The liqueur chosen for this experiment, not by chance, was Elixir Falernum, based on berries and 3-year-aged brandy, whose name is inspired by the famous wine, much appreciated in Roman times, which was produced in the Ager Falernus and from the port of Sinuessa reached the entire Empire by sea.

The particular microclimate that is generated on the seabed seems to determine optimal conditions for the maturation of liqueurs, as already happens for wines, thanks to various factors: constant temperature, total absence of light and oxygen, movement of currents and waves that cradle the bottles and complete shelter from the lunar phases. For the scientific evaluations on the choice of the place in which to position the bottles, the Distillery availed itself of the collaboration of the Associazione Arma Aeronautica-Sezione di Caserta.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of the exclusive bottles will be used to create a green area for children with rides within a public park near the Mondragone seafront by the end of 2022.
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