It is the night of the fire to cross, of the bonfires indicating the sun, of piles of straw transformed into wheels and thrown on the slopes of the hills. It is the night of the descent of the sun until the winter solstice.
It's the night of Nocino 2406.
There night of Saint John, between June 23rd and 24th, is perhaps the most incredible night of the year, celebrated for hundreds of years with popular rites and customs It is of pagan origin, commemorated by the Romans of the first centuries, where cults and spells mix under the light of the stars. On this night it is popular custom to place a little pile of salt or one large broom to protect against the intrusion of witches .
On the night of San Giovanni, the dew that moistens the meadows buys miraculous regenerative powers and rolling in the wet grass will make the body lively, vigorous and attractive. This ritual is said to be miraculous for healing those who suffer from rheumatism.
Furthermore, the night of San Giovanni is the time indicated by tradition to collect the green walnuts that have grown to the right point to make Nocino . The walnuts, according to tradition, are hand-picked by a woman and are left to take on the dew of San Giovanni, to then prepare the liqueur the same day. The entire process is permeated by a pagan sacredness of ancient origin , based on the observation of the movement of the sun (the summer solstice) and by beliefs linked to witches and their connection with the walnut.

The Antica Distilleria Petrone , rediscovering an ancient family recipe, has created this excellent natural bitter .
On the night of San Giovanni , as per tradition, the walnuts, hand-picked from centuries-old trees in our region, are left to macerate while still unripe in pure alcohol with the addition of herbs and spices.
After a year, Nocino2406 , always produced by our company, with pride and dedication, respecting this tradition, is ready to accompany the celebrations of June 24, the day dedicated to San Giovanni .