On Sunday 5 May 2024, Mondragone hosted a special gathering celebrating the passion for vintage cars and the excellence of Made in Italy. The event featured Antica Distilleria Petrone , a historic local business, and the iconic Fiat 500s, a symbol of a golden age in the Italian automotive industry.
The event, organized by the Fiat 500 Club Italia Coord. Caserta with the regional representative Campania Domenico Filippella , Gianfranco Lombari , member of the 500 club, and Pippo Rappazzo , Trustee of Upper Caserta, saw the participation of numerous enthusiasts and devotees of the legendary Italian model.

A one of a kind club
The Fiat 500 Club Italia is the first single-theme model club in Italy, with 22,000 members. Its philosophy is based on Slow Drive, as Daniela Rettore , Head of Communications for the Fiat 500 Club Italia Coord. Caserta, points out: a slow and conscious way of driving that allows you to fully appreciate the territory and its peculiarities.
Guided by the principles of this philosophy, the participants had the opportunity to admire the beauty of the surrounding area, immersing themselves in its history and traditions. Among the stages of the gathering, the Palazzo Ducale di Mondragone , an architectural jewel of great value, and the Antica Distilleria Petrone itself.

A bridge between generations
The Fiat 500, true icons of Made in Italy, have represented a bridge between different generations. For those who have owned them, they have been a symbol of happy memories and of an era now gone by. For those who have never had one, they have represented a dive into the past and an opportunity to discover a piece of Italian history.

Valorisation of the territory and Italian excellence
Events like the one in Mondragone represent a unique opportunity for Fiat 500 Clubs to take on the role of ambassadors for their territory, not only within their own region, but also at a national level.
Through the organization of gatherings involving all the clubs in Italy, these events are transformed into precious showcases to make known the excellences of each region, promoting its cultural, food and wine and landscape heritage.

A perfect combination
The day in Mondragone channeled the passion for vintage cars, the love for the territory and the valorization of Made in Italy. The slow driving of the vintage Fiat 500 and the slow production process of Antica Petrone conveyed a common message: rediscover the beauty of authentic Italian traditions.