Illustrious figures and Italian excellences shine again at the Senate of the Italian Republic in the Prestigious 'Sala Zuccari' inside the historic Palazzo Giustiniani. Very important recognition for the Antica Distilleria Petrone. Once again, the distillery, with over 160 years of history, emerges in the international panorama among the best Italian companies. Three awards received, Best Company 2019, Professional Recognition to the CEO Andrea Petrone, V generation at the helm of the company and Nomination for participation in the International Grand Prix of Venice, the highest recognition at Italian level. Alongside prominent figures from the artistic, cinematographic and business worlds such as the Chinese entrepreneur Sun Shengde, the actor Alessandro Haber, the host Gigi Marzullo, the journalist of the Messaggero Lucilla Quaglia, the producer Lele Mora, Luciano Moggi, the comedian Pippo Franco, the television host Veronika Maya, the journalist Amedeo Goria, the journalist Matteo De Falco director of SKY pesca, Andrea Petrone proudly and emotionally received the Honorary Parchments for Lifetime Achievement. “It is a recognition of great value that represents a push to always do better and more” says the young Andrea, who has always believed in the potential of his territory “doing business in Campania is not easy, but everything is possible with dedication and love.” A pride that is all Campanian and that shines again in the Senate of the Italian Republic.